Sunday, August 28, 2005

EFL at Primary School through High School in Japan

Updated October 6
Seven aspiring teachers in a Research Methodologies in English Education seminar are blogging. We live in Northern Japan. Some of the students aspire to be elementary school teachers, some junior high school teachers, and others are perhaps undecided. Come October 8, they will begin blogging about issues in education in Japan that concern them, their teaching experiences, or anything else they wish to discuss! Their pages are listed below:

This course will end in January, 2006 for Bonsai, Hope, and YuS but will continue into next fall for the remaining students.


Anonymous said...

Hi, it`s interesting to know how is learning english in others countries.

Anonymous said...

Noted. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I am looking for a job in Iwate and I am wondering if you know of any companies there. I love working in the countryside, and while it is very easy for me to find a job in west Japan or in the cities, its challenging to find a job in the Tohoku countryside. I have a 3-year Japanese working visa and such...but I don't know where to look for places that deal with jobs in Tohoku. Peace! oh my email is
thank you!